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  1. eggxelent


    Hey people I haven't posted on this forum in a pretty loooooooong time but I now have a question, no, make that two, and this is normally where I ask my chicken questions. First question: has anybody in the Carson valley area lost a chicken (looks like a white leghorn) in the recent windstorm...
  2. eggxelent


    Okay, thanks!
  3. eggxelent


    Just curious... is it normal for a hen with a large comb to have it be flopped over? I have a campine who has had a floppy comb since I got her but I never really thought about it until now. Hmm...
  4. eggxelent


    Well, I wouldn't advise merging the 8 week olds with the 3 week olds, because chicks grow fast and the size difference will be gigantic, plus the 3 week olds will basically have no defenses compared to the big chicks. So your best bet is probably to merge the 8 week olds with the flock of 6. Do...
  5. eggxelent


    Well, if you need gardening or chicken advice, just ask on here. Everybody is helpful and supportive.
  6. eggxelent


    They're very cute! For you, I recommend a book called, I think, Free Range Chicken Gardens. It's all about combining chickens and gardens into one healthy ecosystem, and it has some great ideas.
  7. eggxelent


    What breed are the hens? Porcelain D'uccles?
  8. eggxelent


    Yes, I would recommend interviewing your neighbors to see if there have been incidents with bears nearby in the past. If there's no history with bears where you live, I wouldn't worry about it much, usually if people are vigilant not to attract bears in the first place, they don't come.
  9. eggxelent


    Hello, . Basically every predator I could think of was listed. There is one more, if you live in certain areas. You may want to watch out for bears. If there are bears in your area, as there are in mine, I personally recommend (and I am in no way an expert in this matter, this is just what has...
  10. eggxelent


    Yup. When my chickens first went out into the big, bad coop, I was absolutely petrified. But they survived! Don't stress. At least your girls are in good hands.
  11. eggxelent


    Hello New People and This is a great site for n00b chicken owners! When I was new, well, I am pretty much new, so scratch that, I found all the answers to my chicken questions here. People on this thread are very helpful and when I don't know which forum to ask a question on, I ask it here...
  12. eggxelent


    Easter Eggers are basically the "mutt" version of americanas and araucanas. They lay blue or green or pink or brown eggs, depending on the hen. Actually, I should have named the escape artist Houdini but her name's actually Snow White. lol. You do have a valid fear, it has happened, but if it...
  13. eggxelent


    I'm near foothill. So sorry about the chick. So sad. I have three grown hens, one Golden Sex Link and two Easter Eggers, one of which escapes...and escapes...and escapes. I swear, she must spend her whole day finding flaws in the fence for us to fix! I'm not familiar with CAL ranch, can you give...
  14. eggxelent


    Hey, I'm in Gardnerville, too! I have three chickens that I raised from 4-day-old chicks. Everything went smoothly. No deaths, no sickness. I encourage researching, and if you come across a problem you can't identify, ask around on here! People are happy to help save your chickens' lives and are...
  15. eggxelent


    Not getting my hopes up, but does anyone in the Carson City/Tahoe/Reno area have sexed bcm chicks where I can get just one? I want to have an order with the feed store for regular chicks but I want a BCM with a nice dark egg.
  16. eggxelent


    So, so cute!
  17. eggxelent


    Does anyone know of a good Wyandotte breeder around carson city-reno that sells sexed pullets?
  18. eggxelent


    Wish I could accept your offer, but I feel like I can't get bantams, I'm too scared that my big chickens will peck them. They're pretty mean, once they almost killed a hummingbird : (
  19. eggxelent


    Does anyone going to the Stockton show have Wyandottes?
  20. eggxelent


    I was wondering what some of your opinions on mixing LF with bantams in 1 coop, I have 2 EE's and 1 GSL currently and I want to get bantams maybe, Like D'uccles or silkies or so many other breeds...I am getting sleepy, very very sleepy, so... many... CHICKENS!!!!! I don't want my big chickens to...
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