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  1. flgardengirl

    Lavender Marans

    Lavender is recessive so each parent needs a lav gene to create a visual lavender. So this needs two generations. My understanding of lav goes something like this: IF you don't have lavender in your breed it must be introduced from another desireable breed. Usually people only breed lav to...
  2. flgardengirl

    Lavender Marans

    I will be setting F2s in a couple more weeks. Hope to get some feathering on the shanks then. One of my black marans girls with the good shank feathering went broody awhile back and is raising some chicks but is separated from all males right now. So soon as she starts laying again, I will get...
  3. flgardengirl

    Lavender Marans

    How is your egg color going? I have a black f1 hen that is laying #5 egg colored eggs. Her daddy is a lav orp and her mama a black marans hen (that lays very dark eggs). She looks like a combo of both but much more like her momma and is the size of the mom too and not near as fluffy as an orp...
  4. flgardengirl

    Lavender Marans

    My lav orp has a tiny bit darker head than the rest of his body. In general with the lavender orpingtons, I know the older generations in the lav orp project are darker lavender than the newer 'more finished' generations are. So it is reasonable to think it might be the same way with the...
  5. flgardengirl

    Lavender Marans

    I have a hen from a bcm roo x a split black/lav orp hen. She lays a #4 egg. She really looks like a dark black copper. I am also crossing a Lavender roo to black hens with nicely feathered shanks that lay dark.
  6. flgardengirl

    Lavender Marans

    This idea has been kicked around for awhile. I know one person who has thier F1s. I think they are using a lav roo over bcms though, I think he was trying to get ahold of some pure blacks not sure if he did yet though. I have a hen that is from a lav/split blk orp hen x bcm roo. She lays a way...
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