Lavender Marans

I'm so enjoying this thread so far. I have lost both lav orps this year, so I never got started. I only have FBCMs to work with but they are from Davis lines, so nice egg color.

How had is it to breed out the coppering or I was also thinking a lav copper would also be pretty, but would it be something anyone wants?
Lav dilutes the red to a yellow color kinda looks smutty... thats y i have worked so hard to stay away from it...

So don't try it at all?

That's so disappointing. The only other color Marans I have is a blue and not going there with lav.
Lav dilutes the red to a yellow color kinda looks smutty... thats y i have worked so hard to stay away from it...

So don't try it at all?

That's so disappointing. The only other color Marans I have is a blue and not going there with lav.

Yes try it... sry i did not meen for it to sound that way... i was just pointing out what it would look like and why i tryed to avoid it... i think it would look good if you could get alot more red in your black coppers... this would look better when it is yellow and Lav... if you could get them to where it was about 50% yellow i think it would look really cool... but most black coppers dont have that much red...

i say try it and see what you get... the Lav color is still new and there is alot we still have to learn about the color and how it works with other colors...
So don't try it at all?

That's so disappointing. The only other color Marans I have is a blue and not going there with lav.

Yes try it... sry i did not meen for it to sound that way... i was just pointing out what it would look like and why i tryed to avoid it... i think it would look good if you could get alot more red in your black coppers... this would look better when it is yellow and Lav... if you could get them to where it was about 50% yellow i think it would look really cool... but most black coppers dont have that much red...

i say try it and see what you get... the Lav color is still new and there is alot we still have to learn about the color and how it works with other colors...

Actually what would look really cool would be to replace the yellow or red with black.
just thought i would update every one... i now have 6 Lav's doing really good... i lost a few the first cold spell we had when my brooder bulb burnt out... (y do they never burn out when its warm idk)

anyways i have 4 roosters and 2 hens... i still have my f1's and am going to try to hatch a few more before i get rid of them... 6 is just not enough for me... ill try to get some pic's soon and upload them here...

Elias, sorry to hear the news.

I have three bulbs in our newest small outdoor brooder coop. Bulb #1 is a 250 watt Red heat lamp connected to a thermostat. Bulb #2 is a 65 watt red flood light. Bulb #3 is a 100 watt standard light bulb in an outdoor porch light fixture. I learned long ago to have a backup. Once brooded baby quail with a kerosene lantern.
They are beautiful! I have subscribed to the thread so I will get updates, even if they are few and far between (I understand the working two jobs scene!). Best of luck!
I will be setting F2s in a couple more weeks. Hope to get some feathering on the shanks then. One of my black marans girls with the good shank feathering went broody awhile back and is raising some chicks but is separated from all males right now. So soon as she starts laying again, I will get her in with my lav male as well.
I will be setting F2s in a couple more weeks. Hope to get some feathering on the shanks then. One of my black marans girls with the good shank feathering went broody awhile back and is raising some chicks but is separated from all males right now. So soon as she starts laying again, I will get her in with my lav male as well.
Keep in mind, your eggs will be fertile within 48 hours according to Dr. Bramwell. We have his incubation seminar video at

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