Lavender Marans

This idea has been kicked around for awhile. I know one person who has thier F1s. I think they are using a lav roo over bcms though, I think he was trying to get ahold of some pure blacks not sure if he did yet though.

I have a hen that is from a lav/split blk orp hen x bcm roo. She lays a way darker egg than an orp and could pass as a pure black bcm if you didn't know any better, except her eyes are a little dark but then I've seen bcm with darker eyes. I've been debating putting her back with a pure lav orp but I really wanted to go with the pure black marans not bcm. I have a pure black marans hen that I am using next and getting some silver blk birchens soon too.
just found this thread
im working on it.... i just set 6 of my F1 eggs tonight lol... i hatched over 100 chicks last year from a F3 lav Orp boy(09 hatch from hinkJC's eggs)X my 3 Pure E/E black marans hens... i saved 15 hens and 5 boys... trying to keep the genetic diversity up as much as possible... all 5 boys have feather stubs on there feet as do about 3/4 of the girls... and i chose for the least orp type... i plan on hatching about 200 chicks this year so i will get 50 or so lav's... at the same time i am working on my Blacks i plan on hatching 100+ of them this year... to get an E/E black bird i had to use a Young(sp?) line black Marans... the egg color is only about a 5 and they where about 3/4 clean legged... but they where the only E/E black i could find... so i will keep working on the blacks and then breed the Lav's to them... at the rate i am going i figyer 2 more generations and ill have something worth something lol... i love projects and this is my main one right now...

here is the father... ill try to get some pic's of the others tomorrow... Elias

I would breed the splits to each other to get the [average of] 25% lavs, then go back to Marans at least once.

More like 6 to 8 times I would have thought!!​
More like 6 to 8 times I would have thought!!

For sure.

because my Lav Orp boy is not as fluffy as a normal Orp the type aint as bad as i thought it would be on the F1's... but im still thinking it will take at least 4 back crosses with marans to get it right... and sense there will be a whole generation in between each back cross that's 8 generations.... i guess that's y they say PROJECT lol...
here is some pic's from my project Lav Marans F1's...

group shots



a close up of one of the roosters legs showing the feather stubs...

and a pic of an egg next to a buff Orp egg...
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my first F2 chick hatched today...

it is a day early and one of 7 pullet eggs i set when the F1 hens first started to lay... so maby ill get a couple more from that setting of eggs ... i have over 50 eggs in the incubator so hoping for a few lav colored chicks soon...

Why can't you just throw them all together and just keep hatching eggs until you get some that look like you want and go with that? Think of all the chicks you'd hatch and the fun you'd have. Or you could play muscial rooster. Keep switching them out and keep hatching eggs until you get what you want.

Hope you figure this out. Me I'm not to thrilled with lavender anymore. Have you read "Love Ruby Lavender" ? Get it on audio it's really good.


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