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  1. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    The US Post Office really messed Texas up. The reduced the number of sorting centers and now send stuff all over the place. I used to be able to order from Ideal (I live in Coleman about 380 miles away). I could order before 5 p.m. one day that they would be at my local post office the next...
  2. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    My ducks will gobble up an egg if I drop it and it breaks but I have never had them actually eat their own eggs on their own. I did find some shells once a while back but turned out to be a rat who now has a set of wings itself.
  3. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    First let me say that I am partial to my Khaki Campbells so I may be a bit prejudiced. Khaki's tend to be a bit more nervous than other breeds but they are great egg layers and, if you are breeding, make pretty good mothers. Saxony's are a bit larger breed and are a pretty decent dual purpose...
  4. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    Also, with Cayugas you get those dark grey and black eggs. As they get older they lay lighter shades of grey eggs and my God-daughter says they are running out of toner.
  5. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    First I would suggest you get only females. Unless you want to hatch ducklings there is no need for the males. Females will lay just as many, if not more, eggs on their own. Now, I am partial to my Cayugas and my Khaki Campbells. I also have Blue Swedish which are alright but not anywhere near...
  6. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    There are people that mix their flocks with no problems and those that swear you should not. I have chickens, ducks and geese and keep them all apart from one another. Drakes can try to mate with chickens and can seriously injure them or kill them so I err on the side of caution and have pens...
  7. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    Welcome dan26552, here you will find a mix of folks that have a peculiar affinity for ducks and their ilk. Let us know what you have, provide pictures if possible, and enjoy your time with us. By the way, having ducks is not a requirement, we have one visitor that has no ducks but loves them in...
  8. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    It also boils down to where you are going to brood them. I brood my chicks and ducklings in an extra large dog kennel on a table in our utility room. It never gets below 70 degrees in that room so I have need only a little supplemental heat while they were very young. If you are brooding in an...
  9. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    You should be fine with those combinations. The Quik Chik does not list Niacin so it is o.k. to mix the two. I would not keep them on the Quik Chik for very long but the Niacin should be added as a supplement for at least their first 10 weeks. The Dumor feed is fine and you should add the Niacin...
  10. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    You don't say but I am guessing that you also have at least one male duck also? If the eggs are fertile and all other circumstances are suitable to the female she will build a nest, collect a clutch of eggs and sit them to hatching. However ducks are pretty notorious about collecting their eggs...
  11. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    check this out...
  12. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    She should start laying soon. My Swedish lay 3-5 eggs a week while my Khakis lay an egg a day as do most of my Cayugas. So, just be patient, it will happen soon. Also, watch for eggs being laid that are hidden from you. They are really good at that. And, my ducks lay year around.
  13. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

  14. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    Just watch them closely. Ducks have the ability to hide how they feel and will just suddenly become very ill without warning. Sounds like they are o.k. But watch them for a few days just to be safe.
  15. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    Or what milk actually is
  16. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    Do you have chickens? Do you also have a rooster? In all likelihood, if you do, then he has had fertilized chicken eggs. Also, does he like fresh fruit (this is a silly comparison I know but...) then he is had fertilized fruit. A fruit blossom is fertilized by a bee usually (pollinated) and then...
  17. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    I think the flavor of a duck egg can be more easily changed by their diet than chicken eggs. We do them scrambled with Serrano Peppers, Onion and Tomato with some melted cheese on top. Also, try baking with them and/or making pancakes or waffles. Our dogs (7 of them) get scrambled duck eggs...
  18. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    Nothing prepares you for the unexpected loss of one of your birds. What you describe could be so many things. It could be smoke from the fire but if your other ducks are o.k. it probably is not. She could have eaten some bug or spider that had a toxic effect on her. It could be so many things...
  19. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    I am so sorry to hear that. But, that is all it takes, just a second when you step away or turn your back. We have had an owl that is very interested in our 12 year old Pomeranian lately when we let the dogs out at night to do their business. So, we now have to go out and stay with them until...
  20. jtn42248

    The Duck Thread

    don't know about the smell but you might want to think about getting more females or rehoming some of the males.
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