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  1. naightengale

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    hubby just informed me there are 86 eggs.... but yeah still alot of chicks... and this is only my second month hatching (first month (sept) ive got 33 chicks) so i dont know anything about selling them lol...
  2. naightengale

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    check that just sat MORE eggs now there are 92....
  3. naightengale

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    got about 80 percent with batch 1 100 percent with batch 2 and about 80percent with batch 3. and for batches 4 and 5 junk u bator #1 was upgraded to hold more eggs. now have about 60 more eggs in for a early oct hatch..
  4. naightengale

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    test hatch in my junkubators,, and so far 18 have hatched.
  5. naightengale

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    shake shake shake sanora .........shake rattle and roll... pick your boogie song cause these eggs are rockin lol its driving me nutz thou watching them wiggle and jiggle but no bodys piping yet!!! only on day 19 thou so i guess i wait it is cool to watch the eggs move of their own accord!! but...
  6. naightengale

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    first batch of eggs go lockdown in the morning.. RIRS AND BYMS a few silkie x .. all home grown eggs.
  7. naightengale

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    shes about 5mo..weve only had her for a week but im thinking she just had a "cycle" this week after we got her and if so that means shes not pg but we will know for sure soon huh.
  8. naightengale

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    thats us lol we were told she would be ready to breed in nov...then as we pull out of the drive way with her the woman mentions OH she might already be pg she was housed with her brother.....ummmm.
  9. naightengale

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    i cant imagine how i will be when we breed my goat and have to wait for her to kid.. (shes just a baby herself right now) i guess i can hatch chicks every 21 days to have something to do in between lol.. i was horrible about patience waiting the 9 months to have my own babies too. (proud mama of...
  10. naightengale

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    lol i could make each one a coat and hat lol. i did make a lady an afgan that had elephants all over it..
  11. naightengale

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    i do crochet but it dont take my mind off other stuff....ive been doing it so long i dont even have to look any more i think i made one afgan in my can pump out a fullsized afgan in a day or 2. if i dont have any other stuff to do.
  12. naightengale

    Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

    how in the world do you stand the wait ahh im on day 8 and the suspence is killing me.
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