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  1. speckledhen

    Best way to kill cats? *Yeah I think the cats could have done it*

    Again, this is the place for this discussion, whether or not you approve or disapprove of what the original poster intends to do. Just because I am acting as a traffic cop here in this thread at times (habit left over from being a moderator on this very forum for over five years and knowing and...
  2. speckledhen

    Best way to kill cats? *Yeah I think the cats could have done it*

    Again, this post violates the rules of P&P. Please read those rules at the top of this section. Fort Knox isn't going to fix every predator issue and if you pen chickens up that tightly, all you get is substandard commercial eggs from them and less than super healthy chickens. Everyone needs to...
  3. speckledhen

    Best way to kill cats? *Yeah I think the cats could have done it*

    Quote: Delawaremommy, I thank you for the offer, but I'm in Georgia.
  4. speckledhen

    Best way to kill cats? *Yeah I think the cats could have done it*

    Hey, guys, can we please get back on subject in respect to the original poster? Thanks!
  5. speckledhen

    Best way to kill cats? *Yeah I think the cats could have done it*

    Quote: yes, that's correct. They make a huge mess in there with their tunnels and raising families in it. The wire screening would have to be hardware cloth or some 1/4-1/2" opening or it would do no good since these are tiny mice. So, all the insulation (about 34' x 10', mostly running under...
  6. speckledhen

    Best way to kill cats? *Yeah I think the cats could have done it*

    Tim, tried the mint thing. It doesn't really work. I had oil of peppermint and peppermint out of used mint herb tea bags sprinkled all over the crawl area. No dice. They like living in that insulation way too much. It's disgusting in there. We'll have to rip all of it out (second time in 10...
  7. speckledhen

    Best way to kill cats? *Yeah I think the cats could have done it*

    Heather, I was referring to your very last comment, quoted below, which I took to be a sarcastic back-handed insult: Quote: And I asked that we keep it civil. I also said that I personally do not approve of poisoning animals and when I was a moderator for over 5 years here, I often had to...
  8. speckledhen

    Best way to kill cats? *Yeah I think the cats could have done it*

    I've been considering getting a barn cat to take care of our mouse issue around here, which is ironic, considering the subject of this thread. If the cat went somewhere killing someone's livestock or being a nuisance, I would expect it might not come home. Heather, that last comment was...
  9. speckledhen

    Best way to kill cats? *Yeah I think the cats could have done it*

    My personal view is that I would never put out poison. A quick, clean, never-knew-what-hit-'em death is what is best, IMO, for all nuisance predators. The objective is to remove the problem, not torture an animal. Wild predators mostly are nocturnal, though some do hunt in daylight, especially...
  10. speckledhen

    Best way to kill cats? *Yeah I think the cats could have done it*

    Xtreme Rooster said: Quote: Again, I am also in GA and the state law, as well as my own county ordinance, specifically gives us the right to dispatch animals harassing our livestock. Feral cats are not federally protected. We do need to get our facts straight and look up the laws in our own...
  11. speckledhen

    Best way to kill cats? *Yeah I think the cats could have done it*

    Quote: You must have lots of $$$ then. That costs money, last I heard. If it's really free, lucky you. I wouldn't take the time. There are no free clinics here. I do not have the money to pay a vet to neuter someone else's dumped cat and I wouldn't do it if I did have it. Not my responsibility...
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