Ideas what predator I'm fighting?


12 Years
Mar 27, 2010
New Hampshire

Came home to this. Entire birds gone and just clumps of feathers. Lost some to dogs and fisher before but Hawks and osprey been around lately. Here's another clue. Two days ago shot a rooster on edge of yard and left there. In morning went to bag it up and entire body gone.
Multiple kills with bodies removed and large clumps of feathers not consistent with raptor. Raccoons generally do not move carcass far and feathers would have a slobbery look to them. Fox or coyote will sometimes catch and process more than one victim on site leaving feathers behind as shown so could be one of those. Exceptional dogs will do like a coyote. Fishers are outside my experience.
Also got few hogs about 50-60lbs untouched behind electric fence where it occurred. So not sure if they r too big for k9 type predator or if it was the Hawks and osprey hanging around the lake across the street. Would a raptor eat a day old rooster?
Some predators will hunt in close proximity to confined hogs. Coyotes will hunt and sleep within 20 feet of fence containing sheep and LGD's. If like our hogs used to be, then hogs would fight coyotes on down to steal the carcass if they could get to it.
This does not look like something a hawk would do. A hawk makes one kill and eats it on the site. While a hawk may be big enough to kill a chicken, carrying it off is another matter.

This looks like a fox, or maybe a dog/coyote. Making multiple kills, and "caching" what can't be eaten immediately is exactly what a fox will do. (As I recall, the most birds I have lost in a single fox raid was a combined total of 23 birds; some were chickens, some ducks.)
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I agree with the fox diagnosis. Fox will also sometimes kill a lot more than they can eat at one time & take overage to store in a "food locker" (under a log, tucked in a secret spot, etc). Your birds may also have put up a good struggle which would leave lots of feathers but if feathers are 'clumped' & have flesh hanging at the base then something was definitely 'flossing' its teeth with your fowl! I keep going back to it but LGDs make quick work of any canine or feline predators of fowl. Good luck to you.
Yup got to counting my birds now they r all penned up today and seem ******* got 3-4 So not the Hawks and osprey hangin over the lake. Looking at using the current havaheart trap or getting a bigger. For tonight the hens are fenced and the guns loaded
I would say fox as well might be worth buying a cheap trail cam and placing it out to see whats sneaking around your coop at night. I put mine out and within 40yards of my house where we have outside dogs I have had possum,bobcat,coon,fox, and coyote walk right up to my run at night checking for wholes in fence I guess. Sportsmans Guide has cheap ones on sale for between 45-60$ often might give you better idea what tactic to use if you know what it is and what direction its coming from.

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