Duck Videos Thread!


8 Years
Jul 10, 2015
I love taking videos and pictures of my Muscovy ducks. Here are some videos of my flock...I hope they will bring a smile to your face (or even a laugh), and possibly even educate you. (Maybe my Assisting Duckling Hatch will be helpful to someone?)

The opening and closing scenes are on ALL my videos; they're kind of like my “trademark.”

I post a new video on YouTube about once a week. Every time I get I new video uploaded, I'll post it on this thread, so check back later!

Coming up soon are some more interesting videos than these starter ones. I have some that are really funny that aren't ready to upload yet. Eventually I will have some more informative ones, as well, such as one about various natural duck treats.

Video 1: Muscovy ducks Foraging

Short and not high quality, but can you see what a luxury these girls have? They only have to eat once a day; they forage so much.

Their names are Lilac, Apple, and Gracie. (Lilac is the same duck as in my avatar.)


I hope you like it! Does anyone else have nice duck videos they can post?

Here's another video: Assisting Duckling's Hatch

We had extremely high humidity even without the incubator's humidity system on, so this duckling's membrane was too wet, and it was stuck. We had to help it. It survived and is now a healthy juvenile. You can hear the duckling making cute peeping noises if you listen closely.

Video 3: Muscovy Bathing

Meg, one of my older girls, has lots of fun splashing in a puddle. I think her upside-down flips are funny!


Anyone else have duck videos?
One more video for today: Preening Antics

Lilac, preening, keeps switching sides. First her head is on one side of the wing, then it pops up on the other, then switches again, over and over! I laugh at it every time. And how does she preen with her eyes closed?

This one is Lilac and her three two-day-old ducklings having a bath. They dive several times. Lilac just floats and watches them. (We supervised ALL their baths in it because they couldn't get in/out by themselves. We helped them out as soon as they wanted to get out. They're three months old now - they grew up fast!)

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@HannahDuckLover I just subscribed! I'm at work so cannot watch videos right now (yes I'm on lunch and not stealing time! LOL!) I can't wait to watch them all tonight.

You can find my duck and gardening videos on YouTube also! Here is a link to my latest video.

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