Duck Videos Thread!

Muscovy Ducks Looking for Food in Puddles

They stick their head underwater, wiggle it around and probe in the mud, then scoot forward and do it again.


Coming up next: The Watermelon Frenzy! (3 videos - one of the adults gorging on watermelon, one of some very suspicious ducklings, and one of the first brave duckling to taste the watermelon!)
The Watermelon Frenzy

Our ducks LOVE watermelon; it's like candy to them! We eat off the sweetest parts, and they eat the rest.


Then we introduced it to the youngsters, for the first time. They were quite suspicious of it and hesitant to eat, even though Mom was happily munching away.


Finally, one brave young male (the same one that I had to assist when hatching), tried the watermelon and found it quite yummy! Then he noticed he was getting left behind, and waddled away.


Hope you like them!
The Fish Party:

Daphne (a black girl) caught a fish in the pond that was nearly too big for her to eat. But she got it down anyway! Then we fed them some smaller fish. As soon as they saw the bucket, they knew we had a treat and ran to us. Ivy had a hard time snagging the fish; she was on her "tiptoes" and her head was stabbing like crazy for the fish, but finally she got it. Of course, the ducks who didn't get a fish chased the others, hoping to steal it.

(From left to right in the preview picture you see below: Daphne, Ivy, and Gracie.)

Thanks for posting the video, AimToMisbehave!

Here's my next one. This is the first time Lilac's three cute fluffballs got in water. Lilac stretches her wings while the ducklings nibble on grass seeds floating in the water.

Here's Captain and Apple mating:

Apple was very receptive and willing. As soon as the mating was over, she ran to the smallest and nearest tub, jumped in, and jumped right out again.


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