Prolapsed Vent on Rhode Island Red chick.


8 Years
Sep 9, 2015
I got 7 Rhode Island Red chicks on September 2nd, and one of them had gotten a prolapsed vent in the 2nd week or so, and had a real hard and painful time relieving itself, so I was going to cull it, and after a day or two it started to feel better, but it's vent is still slightly prolapsed, and it's way Skinnier than the others, and hasn't gained any weight since. It can relieve itself now, but I was just wondering if there is anything I should do. Thanks, Clay.
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Welcome to BYC. Sometimes the cloaca can become damaged if the prolapsed tissue stays outside and becomes dry. It may turn dark and become necrotic or dead. It's best to scrub off any darkened tissue with a soapy or epsom salts bath and a cloth down to the pink tissue. Honey, sugar, or preparation H can be used in the beginning to reduce the swelling to push the prolapse back inside. A picture of her vent area would be helpful, but you may need to make a few more posts to submit a picture. Many chickens with prolapse may end up being culled, but with help, some do make it. Sometimes a prolapse will occur if an egg gets stuck inside and cannot pass. Here are a couple of links that might help you:
Hmmm from the links you gave, it was never a full prolapse, just that every time it relieved itself, it's vent would sorta swell up and push out a bit. It still has it now, just not as bad. I may end up culling it.

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