In Need of Goat Toy Ideas


Sep 11, 2015

I have 2 pygmy goats and need some ideas for toys!

Wilbur is a male and LOVES to climb and chew things, he also enjoys getting into things he's not supposed to!

Maple is a female and she enjoys climbing, she is not as high maintenance as Wilbur!

Any ideas/photos are greatly appreciated.....

Awwww I love goats!!!! Give them some rocks to play on and keep there hooves short or at least some sort of tall structure so that they can play king of the mountain and other cute goat things!!!!
Probably too big for your goats, but goats like ramps, platforms and boards to walk across, I used to have two wooden spools connected by boards. Anything that can be climbed on.
I just got these for free today! The electric company just gave them to me.

I also saw a pintrest page where they had a large water jug, one of those refillable ones) they put feed inside it. It was intended for a horse, but she said it kept her goats busy all day trying to get the grain out. I plan on trying this next summer.
My goats like concrete blocks but there favorite toy when I can supervise is an old 150-200 gallon tank on end they will roll it from the outside go in like hamsters on a wheel, and if they knock it over play king of the hill;)

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