INCUBATING w/FRIENDS! w/Sally Sunshine Shipped Eggs No problem!

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Good morning everyone, man I slept in this morning its already 7:40 here. Half the day is gone Hope I didn't miss much. Who gets to candle today?
Me!!!!! :weee
Mornin, sunshine. :hugs
  I was thinking yesterday while I was working, about you losing power while not at home and your bator fans didn't restart when it came back on... Sorry I don't mean to be a pessimist, but if it did it once I'd say it could do it again.
not pessimistic at all, that's the reality of things. I'm planning on replacing the adaptor before I set any eggs. There's still a few more things I want to do to the box before I decide I'm finished. Appreciate the concern, fresh eyes on a project are always welcome.
My candling results so far!

My Ayam Cemani eggs don't count, but are on day 11 now. 6/11 are alive. They were shipped really roughly from Idaho to California. Set March 1st.

My Mille Fleur eggs are in for HAL, day 9, I just candled them and only two were clears! 10/12 are alive! Shipped all the way from Georgia to California! That's a long way! Set March 3rd.

My 4 eggs from a friend that I set for HAL. On day 5, candled today and 3/4 are alive. Set March 7th.

Chicks Galore soon!

This is also an update for @Sally Sunshine

Can anybody guide me through fermenting feed or link me in? I've done sauerkraut, pickles, kombucha, and yogurt so you would think I would just know...but I dooooooon't

What a day! Not caught up with the thread yet, but as I'm worried I'll face-plant on the keyboard before catching up, I thought I should give my building update now.

Got a lot of progress made - conduit put in place and secured, door built, roosting tray (to hold sand and sweet PDZ) constructed, screws for mounting nest boxes placed (it'll accommodate three), poop-scooper door framed, and roosts built (I need to lower that higher roost though - not enough head room).

After it got dark, I headed to both Lowe's and then Home Depot to get tarps and the rest of the hardware I need for all three tractors (hinges and latches, a door spring, etc.) - got soaked in a sudden downpour in the process. SOAKED.

So before heading home I got beer and a mini-cake. I figured I deserved it!!! Sitting here in comfy sweats and a warm shirt, drying off wit a nice Shiner Wicked Ram IPA. Dinner is my favorite chicken and zucchini butter melt - this time with my Monterey Jack that I made at New Years (the wax cracked, so I couldn't let it age any longer). It turned out fairly well - not award winning, but good for homemade hard cheese. Certainly stronger flavored than the grocery store kind. Very good in eggs.

Tomorrow I fix the roost height, mount the poop scoop door, frame and mount the egg door, cover and hang the front door, add the carriage bolts to the back for the wheels, and add pulling rope in front (covered in a piece of old garden hose to save the hands). Then out comes the pneumatic stapler and compressor (and a SUPER long extension cord!) and UV-rated zip ties to put hardware cloth around the base and front/back and welded wire fencing (I have it lying around) over the top (it'll be covered in a thick tarp, so no predator worry with the larger spaces). Then cover with 12' x 10' tarp over the top and shade cloth around the other open bits. It's always nice to have a second go at a given set of plans - gives you a chance to fix things you didn't like the first time.

Once that's all done, I'll drag it into position, add hardware cloth apron 2 ft all around, add the nest boxes, feeder, waterers, sand, and bedding, and then Tank and the Speckled girls will be ready to move in!!! I hope I can finish it tomorrow... And then I need to immediately start in the next two (well, actually, the next FOUR!!!). Oh, wait, I'm also supposed to be building a brooder...

I'm beat - I'm going to catch up and then watch a movie (during which I will likely fall asleep).

- Ant Farm
I just candled a freshly laid egg, just to test my recently acquired MagicFly light; worked like a champ. The egg wasn't the darkest of the four, but the two darker ones are so round I couldn't tell which end was which, not that it would've made a difference with no air cell visible so early. The hen who lays the darkest egg of them all hasn't made her contribution yet, so we'll see how that goes later. I'm still a long way from getting darker eggs from the Marans influence, so the jury is still out.
I just candled a freshly laid egg, just to test my recently acquired MagicFly light; worked like a champ. The egg wasn't the darkest of the four, but the two darker ones are so round I couldn't tell which end was which, not that it would've made a difference with no air cell visible so early. The hen who lays the darkest egg of them all hasn't made her contribution yet, so we'll see how that goes later. I'm still a long way from getting darker eggs from the Marans influence, so the jury is still out.

Is it the one I just recently reviewed?

I'll be candling for EHal tonight. First time I've actually weighed the eggs. I've been fighting the coolerbator for enough heat this hatch. It seems on the low side no matter how high I turn it. Next hatch I will put in a new element. :fl

Quote: Thanks - he's a nut job, but he's very sweet. And very lonely.

Morning folks.

Writing a new story, been wanting to get back into writing in general and I now have the chance.
I'm impressed - I never could write. Not creative enough...

Mornin folks.

Guess who gets to candle today!

Me, too!!!!!! Of course, remembering that COFFEE SAVES CHICKS' LIVES, I am finishing my coffee before doing so. I'm also going to wear this:

Quote: Great big heavy duty tarp over welded wire.

Quote: ...And didn't ask her if she had room in her 'bator...

I wish I had something to update for the emu eggs. They're still all cooking along in the incubator, loosing weight and all that good stuff. Not much else going on
Are there any photos of the eggs themselves? Pweeeeeeze?

Aw, Sally, do you have a headache this morning? I sort of do as well. Coffee is medication this morning - and I don't think a cup of coffee has EVER tasted as good as this one!!!!

I really need to go get to work - it's a beautiful day, and I've got a tractor coop to finish.

- Ant Farm
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