Got a OEGB


Nov 3, 2015
Southern Oklahoma
I picked up a OEGB cock but he doesn't have a straight comb, he was only 5 bucks but I don't like being mislead lol he has the game and vigor of one though, I have a 7-8 month leghorn cockerel he had put in place lmao
I have no camera, for some reason my phone camera just quit working, says camera failed. It has a pea comb. And he has to be just about 2 years old he has like 2-3inch spurs on em

Looks just like this but with longer sickles and a big pea comb


Like this just about
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Welp he just got eaten by my cousins dog, funny thing is he was in the pen and the dog manage to move a 45lb rock and door that was nailed to the top down. Lol got a sickle feather though.
That's sad, a dog like that needs to be kept locked up.

Cousin won't, I don't blame the dog I blame the owner. Every dog is trainable, and she doesnt even spend time with the dog so. I tried but the dog is so disobedient I gave up. She's already over 2 years old and not even treats help train her!

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