Ugh. Roos?

Ssorry, i can't help you on that one. I live in Kenya, where specific breeds are not generally available (very annoying as i love the look of Sedbrights) so i am not in a position to say. At 4 months they may need a little while longer before they decide to wake you up at ridiculous times.

No worries - lets just hope i am totally wrong with the genders

ill try to get some better pictures of them tomorrow. When their out and about. Might be better to tell.
They still make tiny like chirping noises. No crows yet.

you can clearly see my Cockerel in #1 with his back to the camera. He hasn't even crowed yet.
Are you absolutely sure about the age? 4 month old birds do not still make chick sounds.
Black Australorps should have white skin with black or slate colored legs. They look like Australorps to me...I supposedly too, have some Australorps but sincerely doubt their purity because of their characteristics (one of them has rusty colored hackle feathers, named Rusty...very original I know).

Where did you acquire these guys? Hatchery?
Black Australorps should have white skin with black or slate colored legs. They look like Australorps to me...I supposedly too, have some Australorps but sincerely doubt their purity because of their characteristics (one of them has rusty colored hackle feathers, named Rusty...very original I know).

Where did you acquire these guys? Hatchery?

I got these guys from the feed store. They are very pretty. But I don't need three Roos so they might have to go

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