Chick can't stand up, can't hold head up, can't really move....happened quickly, what could it be? H

Well, the chicks are now in the holding pen where no one can get to them, I got it all fixed up for them over the weekend by adding a little more protection against the elements and extending their covered area so that they have more dry space to hang out in since it won't stop raining. As long as no huge tree limbs fall on them, they should be good. They are also now in full view of the rest of the flock, no more tin walls to hide behind.

I still can't get over how quickly little Miss Hope recovered, and has had no lasting ill effects. Her poops have been normal and she has just been acting like nothing ever happened since. So weird! I am monitoring her weight, along with two others who had been very sick and have had very stunted growth. I will probably just keep those 3 in the hospital for a few weeks. The three of them don't need to have any competition for food. She is really the most healthy looking out of the group. I am very pleased with her recovery.

I sure wish I had a candid camera installed so i could see what it was that happened to her!! There really is not too much aggression from the larger flock members because they have been around these chicks for weeks, separated by wire of course, but what I am starting to wonder is if someone didn't land on her trying to get off of the roost, the hens usually fly off in the direction that the little ones were in. I have been on the receiving end of a hen to the face whilst standing in the general vicinity of the "broody pen" which is where the chicks were being held. Regardless, steps have been taken to ensure that no one else can be injured or harrassed by the larger flock members, and the chicks will be in the holding pen for several more weeks until they are all fully feathered and ready to mingle!! Hopefully Miss Hope won't regress any!!
I'm glad she made a quick recovery! We had a sick rooster once. He could barely stand or walk and I had for force feed him. He was pretty thin and I thought he was a gonner. After about 5 days in isolation he started to crow again and gain weight. Once we put him outside again we realized our other rooster was chasing him constantly and he was not getting enough to eat. Basically he was starving as a result of the older rooster bullying him. He made a full recovery just to become aggressive later on and we had to send him packing.

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