Wildlife Friendly Fence But Deters Human Trespassing?

Motion lights are one of the best options out there, thieves like to strike at night and having a good amount of strategically placed motion lights is a major deterrent. Make sure to report any theft to the local authorities too, they may not find anything but their presence around will be helpful especially if they know you have problems often maybe they'd swing by your way occasionally to see if there's any suspicious activity. A dog is a good idea too, they have a invisible fence system now that doesn't need to be buried you just plug it in in the house or garage and it allows a certain radius the dogs can roam and that's it, my neighbor has it and he loves it. Blue heelers in my experience don't tolerate interlopers at all they are very protective of their home and family, Shepard's and American bulldogs and pit bulls make for scary looking watch dogs too
The best wildlife-friendly fencing, by far, that I have come across is hawthorn hedgerows. I live in the UK and all throughout the countryside, you will see hedgerows that start off as hawthorn-only, but gradually, as years go by and birds visit them, other species appear, such as hazel, oak, elder, blackthorn, etc and bramble along the bottom. Not only would such a thick, thorny hedge stop humans (I can assure you you'd need two ladders to get over mine) and let animals through, but it would also provide you with fresh, wild fruit.
I live in the woods along a small private lane with a bunch of older houses with very large lots. Louisiana is pretty conservative and even though I'm from the Midwest (also conservative) I share in the fact that I will defend my land to the hilt. We have next to no crime outside of town here because no one wants to take five rounds to the ten ring. Also geese are the ultimate alarm system. They are unbribable and most people are terrified of them, not realizing all they have to do is grab and jerk.

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