importing hatching eggs to South Africa for

You'll need both export and import papers in theory I would imagine. Maybe others members have actually done it in a slightly more unconventional manner?


I have no idea how you'd do that but I suppose some have. One member on here, ozexpat, has taken eggs from the US to the Philippines but every country is bound to have their own set of rules.

Good luck!
glad you have joined us.

I have no answer for your question, but would suggest you contact your Agriculture Department for the answer. South Africa has banned imports from many states in the US, don't know if California is included in those.
I would suspect after all that travel that the eggs wouldn't be in the most viable condition upon arrival. A lot are damaged just traveling within the country.
Ok how do I go about importing live seramas.the reason is that there are no seramas in my country and I would like to Start breeding and selling them,so many people want them as well and are willing to pay anything for them

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