baby chick flipped on it's back


Jul 3, 2015
Amo, IN
Hi all! I have a new batch of baby chicks from a hatchery. For the first 2 days they were in a large tote brooder. Today I moved them to a larger brooder since I received many more than I expected. In the first brooder, I had pine shavings covered by rubber shelf liner. In the bigger on I have pine shavings that aren't quite covered by shelf liner, so the chicks are having a heyday playing and pecking the shavings. Within the first 10 minutes in the new brooder, one chick was running and flipped on its back. It struggled a bit and I picked it up and righted it. A minute or two later, it did it again. Now I'm worried. I also noticed this chick has a very subtle waddly walk and it seems to hold one wing slightly lower than the other. It also has a red streak on the top of it's beak that I noticed yesterday, right between the nostrils. None of the other chicks have this red streak. I haven't seen any others doing any flips.

The chick is eating fine (Manna Pro medicated chick starter), and drinking. There is Rooster Booster Vitamins and Electrolytes in the water.

So my question is what should I do? Does this sound like the start of something serious?

Thanks for any info or ideas!
Chicks who show any type of stress early on might benefit from SaveAChick or other brands of vitamins and electrolytes in their water. Poultry Nutri-Drench or Poultry Cell tonics can be given instead 1 ml daily by mouth and forcing fluids. The more you can get it to drink by dipping it's beak into water, keeping it warm, and preventing pasty butt, the better it's chances of recovery.
Chicks who show any type of stress early on might benefit from SaveAChick or other brands of vitamins and electrolytes in their water. Poultry Nutri-Drench or Poultry Cell tonics can be given instead 1 ml daily by mouth and forcing fluids. The more you can get it to drink by dipping it's beak into water, keeping it warm, and preventing pasty butt, the better it's chances of recovery.

Ok, thanks. It's eating and drinking a lot, like all the others. Doesn't seem to be struggling. It just went on it's back a couple of times. But once I set it on it's feet, went back to running around like the others. There are vitamins and electrolytes in the water already. Should I give a more concentrated dose?
Ok, I just found her on her back again. She seems fine after I pick her up and set her right. Could she have a neurological problem? Does it sound contagious? None of the others seem to have any problems.
Ok, I just found her on her back again. She seems fine after I pick her up and set her right. Could she have a neurological problem? Does it sound contagious? None of the others seem to have any problems.
You'll probably just have to wait and're already giving them a boost with the vits and lytes.
Brahmas are kinda clumsy.
What was the outcome on this chick?
I have 1 similar although it is a chick I hatched from my own flock. It was a late hatcher so fluctuating humidity might be an issue. I am giving vitamins and save-a-chick. It seems she can get back to her feet if she is on a blanket or my sweatshirt but in the brooder on the matting she cannot get back to her feet.
What was the outcome on this chick?
I have 1 similar although it is a chick I hatched from my own flock. It was a late hatcher so fluctuating humidity might be an issue. I am giving vitamins and save-a-chick. It seems she can get back to her feet if she is on a blanket or my sweatshirt but in the brooder on the matting she cannot get back to her feet.

Mine only had the few incedents and then just grew out of it. All is well. Hope yours fares as well.

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