feeder ideas

I'm trying different feeds now. I think it does come down to keeping them in an enclosed area. I will be building a big cage like enclosure 10x10x7 or so. We'll keep the small coop inside.
I'm trying different feeds now. I think it does come down to keeping them in an enclosed area. I will be building a big cage like enclosure 10x10x7 or so. We'll keep the small coop inside.

Why are you concerned they're not eating? Most would be happy the save in the feed bill by having chicken fend for themselves, they won't starve if the feed is available and they need it they will eat it
I am looking for an idea to make a feeder for my chickens i have 8 laying hens and the layer crumble seems to just vanish. I have went through almost 50 pounds in two weeks of havjng these hens. I dont know if this is normal or im giving to much and they just scratch it all away. Ideas?
Hi phillip26, Visit your local feed store for some options. For young chicks, a small feeder with a cover on it to prevent the birds from getting into the feed is a good choice. As the birds get older, you move toward a more open container such as a bell feeder that will hold large amounts of feed. Birds can be quite messy when they eat. Typically, pelleted feeds will provide the least amount of waste when compared to crumbles or mash feeds.
Ive figured out the feeders i have 2 that i made from 3 gallon buckets and extra large dog food pans that hang around breast level to the hens it works very well

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