Chick colorings


In the Brooder
Sep 30, 2015
Springtown, TX
My Coop
My Coop
I had a hen go broody and let her hatch an egg from my buff orpington hen and black splash (I think) bantam cochin. The chick came out perfectly yellow except for four spots of black on the top of its head the size of specks of pepper. Do yellow chicks tend to stay light colored, or am I in for a surprise as it grows?
I had a hen go broody and let her hatch an egg from my buff orpington hen and black splash (I think) bantam cochin. The chick came out perfectly yellow except for four spots of black on the top of its head the size of specks of pepper. Do yellow chicks tend to stay light colored, or am I in for a surprise as it grows?

Nothing such as a black splash. Do you have a photo of the bird? Maybe can help ID the correct variety...
This is him.

I have two roosters, but it's less likely that my other one is the daddy. Here he is, just in case.

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