Chicken head/eye/face swelling

I'll check her out tonight. I mean- like it's not soft like fluid filled. Though- this being my first batch of chicks- didn't realize that chicken puss is harder than mammal puss, so I need to feel it again.It makes me super sad, as she's my most friendly chick and is really sweet! My 4 year old is really attached too... I'll update this evening after I catch her and look again. Thanks for the replies!
Chicken puss is hard and cheese-like, yes.

Do you see any bruising or scab where she may have gotten pecked in that area or anything?

I hope we are able to get to the bottom of this. :(

So, it was late last night before I was able to get to her. I picked her up, and she is still very much feeling fine! Anyway- I palpated as best I could, and it does feel soft- but like normal head soft, sort of like whatever it is, is under the normal tissues. It actually looked less bulgy last night- even took me a second to find which one was her- so I'm hoping she's growing out of it. I looked close for injuries to the area, and couldn't find any, no scabs or anything. I guess maybe it could be an infection that's a little deeper- and thus doesn't allow for discharge? I'm wondering if giving her antibiotics might be a good idea? I'm not sure. Thoughts?
Is taking her to an avian vet and seeing if a culture can be done an option?

Treating with antibiotics without knowing what you're treating for can hurt more than help... Not all antibiotics treat all bacterial infections.

Hiya! Following! So glad she's improving! What about yogurt instead, anyone had good results from live cultures?
It doesn't seem to be an illness. I once had a BR chick who had an eye where the pupil was pushed to the back corner of the eye, didn't notice it at first in the big group of chicks, but I suspect an injury-it was a big batch, over 25 in a grow out coop. It was never swollen, but the eye did not move at all, and it is still that way (a friend took her years ago with other pullets and still has her at about 8 years old). Hard to say, never saw anything exactly like that. Here was Bess's eye.


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