Finally outside in Ohio


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2016
Well my flock is finally outside. They will be 6 weeks old tomorrow and the days are getting warmer and longer here in northeast Ohio. It will be 60-70 during the day 30-50 at night for the next week. I will be locking them in the roost during the night with plenty of shavings but I wondered if I should put the lamp in there. I was thinking with 7 of them they will huddle together to keep warm.They have outgrown the 103 gallon stock tank and I have not had the lamp on for a while now. I think they really like it outside fresh air, sunshine, more room and its funny to see them chasing bugs. Also I did end up having 2 roosters in the bunch. The one on the roost in the picture is showing some aggression to the rest. I have named him Barry after my EX because he is such a prick. I do not have the heart to "take care of him" but I can not keep him. What do I do with him? I would like to keep the other one "Clark" and see if he is not as mean.

I'm in MN, and my chicks have been in the coop since I got them as day-olds. (They are now 3 weeks old) You will not need a lamp in that little coop for your chickens. They would get too warm. I've been unplugging the lamp where my chicks are the past few days as the temperatures have gotten into the high 60's and 70's. (I do plug it back in at night, but they are in a shed with high ceilings, and lots of air moving through.) Yours are fully feathered and will be plenty warm without a light.

You can always advertise Barry on Craigslist, at your local farm supply store, in the paper or whatever. Just don't ask questions if the idea of him going into someone's stewpot bothers you and keep telling yourself he went to live on a nice farm in the country. Or, you can be happy that his life was given to feed a hungry family. Whichever.
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Just went out and checked and they were fine. Fed them so they came out to eat and went back into the roost. Yep they will be just fine. I am going to buy an ad out for Barry today. Thank you.

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