New to Ducks


Apr 12, 2016
Monahans, Texas
Hi! My name is Summer and I just received 3 little ducklings and bought 2 from Tractor Supply. I have no idea what breeds they are or their gender or anything reallu. Maybe someone on here can help me figire this information out or point me in the right direction to figuring this out.


The first 2 pictures are of the same 3 ducklings.


This 2 i bought from Tractor Supply. The smallest one is a solid brown and the other one is black with yellow chest and neck.

Thank you so much in advance for all your help.
No idea, but they're little cuties!! We have 2 pekin ducklings. I bought them as day olds and they're now 4wks. :)

Thank you!!! I bet yours are cuties as well. I have slowly become an addict to chickens and ducks lol. I told my husband to keep me out of Tractor Supply, otherwise we will be over run by ducklings. And my sister in law has been giving me chickens haha.
Quote: I bought my first chicks last spring. I started off with 8, one passed (it wasn't noticeable when brought home, but she was clearly sick, died at 2wks old), then got 5 more (one left because it was a mean little bugger) so I was down to 11. I kept them through winter. I sold off 3 this spring who didn't fit into the flock at all. I bought 4 at the beginning of march, and then 2 more 2 wks later (they're 4wks and 6wks old now), plus the 2 ducklings when I went to pick up 2 more chicks. So I am up to 14 chickens, 2 ducks, a dog, fish, and a gecko :D
I bought my first chicks last spring. I started off with 8, one passed (it wasn't noticeable when brought home, but she was clearly sick, died at 2wks old), then got 5 more (one left because it was a mean little bugger) so I was down to 11. I kept them through winter. I sold off 3 this spring who didn't fit into the flock at all. I bought 4 at the beginning of march, and then 2 more 2 wks later (they're 4wks and 6wks old now), plus the 2 ducklings when I went to pick up 2 more chicks. So I am up to 14 chickens, 2 ducks, a dog, fish, and a gecko :D

Wow! I'm barely at 5 ducklings and 7 chickens. 3 chickens were already laying when given to me. The other 4 are just little ones. The two grey looking ducks have been biting at the little chickens.. not sure what that's about unless it's to show they were there first??
I have my ducks and chickens separated and I'm working on building the duck hut and enclosure separate from the chickens. The day I got the chicks and ducklings this year the chicks kept trying to peck the ducklings' eyes out so I had enough of that. I thought about reintroduction but then the ducklings went and got all huge lol. So they're going to just live separate. I thought about putting them in with the big ones but I didn't think it would go over too well with my jerkoff cockerel.
I may have to seperate them. I'm not sure if they are actually biting or if it's more like a nip to make them seem like the dominant ones. The ducks and my laying hens get and long for the most part. The hens like to corral the ducks haha. But once I put the little chicks in the pen, the ducklings ran up and nipped at them and longed tried to sit on them..

Maybe they can learn to live together since they are all sharing a coop..

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