Fluid in abdomen- 2 sick chickens-need advice


5 Years
Sep 4, 2014
I had a 3 year old hen that I recently had to have euthanized. She was sickly for a while, labored breathing, lethargy. I nursed her back to health twice before deciding on euthanasia. She had a belly full of yellow-green fluid. Now one of my other hens has the same symptoms (she is about 5 yrs old), any ideas on what could be going on?
They may have egg peritonitis. We recently had a chicken who had this and there isn't much you can do to help them, unfortunately. Have a look, there is some information online about it. Our chicken had a swollen belly, walked upright and slept all the time. She didn't seem to be in pain and loved staying in warm places, always wanting to sit in the sun. She wouldn't eat or drink at all, and we tried antibiotics with her but it didn't work (Duramycin 10) which we read has helped chickens if you catch it early. Sorry to hear about your chickens, good luck.
I'm no expert, but maybe she has Water Belly or Ascites? I've never heard about egg peritonitis though, so I don't know. Here is a link about Ascites if that sounds like something your hen is going through.


I hope this helped!
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It sounds like ascites (water belly).
I have a Light Sussex with it at the moment and I am trying to psych myself up to drain it. There is a balloon of it the size of a tennis ball below her vent hanging down between her legs. I've had to cut away all the feathers as she was getting badly soiled. Thankfully she is getting about ok and her breathing isn't affected but I know it's only a matter of time. I understand that it will most likely build up again after it is drained, so it is something that may need to be repeated if you decide to go that route rather than euthanize.

Good luck with your hen

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