When testing for NPIP do they test all or just those you are planning on selling from


In the Brooder
Jan 1, 2016
We have been homesteading for several years now and have locally sold chicks and hatching eggs. Last year we started to raise pure breeds and have been selling chicks and eggs locally but have had inquiries about shipping eggs and chicks, which I know we have to be NPIP to do. I keep wanting to call and schedule but, well (trying not to be embarrassed) our 10 acre homestead is at the bottom of a hill and we get a lot of water which turns into a lot of mud, and it seems as though once we finish tackling one problem area, another problem area occurs (we also raise goats and so there are always fencing repairs, etc).

For those who have had NPIP testing done...I guess in the back of my mind I am thinking about someone coming out that is expecting that our farm will be more like a backyard chicken flock, where in the perfect world I never run behind on cleaning a coop or run, or where one of our LGD's has not left their latest kill out for the world to see. And then there is my other concern...we run and operate a Property Preservation business, which means we do a lot of property clean outs, and while most goes to the landfill, anything with metal comes here, piles up until we have time to take to the scrap yard to offset costs. While I am glad my husband is as frugal as he is and is a responsible recycler, it can be embarrasing when you have a piles of junk everywhere.

Am I worrying too much? Should I just suck it up and call? Also...what about shelters? Do they care what kind of shelters you have? While I would love to be able to afford those cute little chicken houses for everyone, the reality is the brooders are in my basement and barn, 1 shed is used for grow outs from like week 5-8, and then once they move outside most of the chicken shelters are made up of pallet walls with roosts and feed is placed to where the goats and LGDs won't mess with it. Will this matter?
You are worrying over nothing. They have seen much worse. Get on the phone and call.

Each state is different in what they test for and schedules. You should be able to get a lot of information online about your state’s program and requirements. Here in Arkansas you can even go to a class and become a tester yourself. That way they don’t have to repeatedly come back.

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