Help with a TSC silkie (maybe??)

I do think that's what it is. Partridge birds are total eye candy, and add in the cute factor of the bantam and the rounded fluffiness of a Cochin, they're just adorable

One nice thing about the partridge color is the ability to sex them by color as they feather in. Males get black feathers on the chest, females get salmon/reddish brown. Plus, the male bantam Cochins tend to get larger redder combs pretty early.

If it's a pullet, she'll probably be a good broody momma if that's something you're interested in for next year. They're decent enough layers, small off white eggs, but of course they quit laying when they're broody.
Looks like a pullet to me. I have cochins and they are the sweetest hens. Pretty broody seems like I always have one in broody mode. The rooster are very sweet and stay out of my way. They are a year old and very sweet. They are bottom rang roosters. I have four roosters in one coop and they all get along famously, no fights and battles. Two wyandottes and the two cochins.

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