Inherited 3 chickens of unknown breed /gender


6 Years
Apr 24, 2014
Hello everyone! We recently bought a new home that came with 3 beautiful chickens and coop. 2 of which I'm positive are hens (the white and brown one is a great egg layer and very broody!) but the other black one I am unsure if it is a rooster or hen. With all of them I am not sure what breed they are. I appreciate any input on these guys!



Hello everyone! We recently bought a new home that came with 3 beautiful chickens and coop. 2 of which I'm positive are hens (the white and brown one is a great egg layer and very broody!) but the other black one I am unsure if it is a rooster or hen. With all of them I am not sure what breed they are. I appreciate any input on these guys!

hi i think one pair of black one could be black australorps
the brown and white one is a easter egger i thing or americana
not sure about the other ones though sorry
The two black ones look like black sex link hens and the other looks like a Faverolle if it has feathered feet. Otherwise I would say a salmon amaraucana. Beautiful girls :)

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