Toddlers are Quackers



Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Apr 17, 2012
Coffee shop in zone 5
In just a few days, my darling niece, Duckling, will be turning two.
While some may ask, "Who cares?" I would like to explain that I am a primary caregiver. I care. And so do the people that have little ones. They know that when it comes to "the terrible twos" it can begin early, and not end for many years!

There are actually people in this world that don't want to hear about other people's children. Can you believe it?!
So, to keep the peace in the world, I will be starting this thread for all that have toddlers, and wish to vent or share stories and tips. Please keep in mind that this is a social forum. We need to protect our little ones. So, please be careful with what you post.
Now, I have some rules. Ready?

1) Respect the opinions of others! There is no right way. it is whatever works for you!

2) I am the Big Momma! If I ask you to take something down, please do. I will have a good reason for it!

3) If a moderator is needed, flag the post. Otherwise, you have children, don't act like one. PM the person or me, and get it talked out! BYC says there is to be no arguing in the forums. I should not have to remind you of that.

4) I want our children safe. Do not share the photos or personal stories on other social media.

5) There is no five. I just like the number.


This thread is not "just" for toddler parents. If you have a story or advice, go for it! If your 17-year-old doesn't pick up his toys, tell us!
If you have a special blessing that will always have the spirit of a toddler, post here.

"A parent's job is to do what they can to raise their child right, and mess up anyway."

Magic Erasers for cleaning most surfaces.
Socks on hands for dusting.
A small stick vac or a shop vac. Lots of choices for vacuums.
A kid size broom, whisk broom, or the bottom of a regular broom (mine has hand holds for Duckling).
Duckling does well with mopping with a sponge mop. You can break a handle, and tape it up well with duct tape too.
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Okay, so I will now post about some stuff that happened today. First, the most important. Duckling said, "I love you" for the first time today!
That alone makes the bad times melt away.

Earlier, I was playing with the incubator, and a text came through. Duckling, being a toddler, felt that I had to read it right away. She brought my phone in to me, and I said, "Thank you, honey." She came back with, "Welcome, honey!"
She hesitated on the word, but it came out! Five minutes later, she pooped and stuck her fingers in her diaper.

We are on round two of potty training. The first round began when she was totally into it. She was having full days of being clean and dry. Then she just stopped. She was away from me for almost a week, and it was not kept up. I have witnessed her tell someone that she had to go, and they ignored her plea for the potty.

Since this is all about toddlers, I can also share that after emptying the office trash into the big can, Duckling automatically brought it back to where it belonged. Oh, I love this child! After dumping all of her books onto the living room floor, I asked her to clean up. She picked up every single thing!
I expected to walk back in to find two books in the bin, and her sitting on her beanbag reading a third.

So, people. Post away! Share all the big and little things that make up your toddler's day! We can discuss the pros and cons of "Little Entrees" and whatever else!
I left Duckling on the sun porch while I was doing dishes. When the doorbell rang, I expected to see that the step had been moved (it is just a big carpeted chunk of wood) and the step stool in place. Instead, she was on the arm of the futon, with one hand on the back, ringing the bell, and grinning at me.

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