Granny's gone and done it again

Awful, she has been pooping and peeing in the house! She was doing so well. But she gets distracted by bugs, the other dog, weeds, and forgets why she is out there. I did catch her peeing yesterday and she got reprimanded for that!
Have you tried peeing out there when you take her ? It works.
OH !!!!!!!!

I forgot the 2 ASSES that live in the houses at the farm

somewhere between 150 and 200 currently.
:lau I didn't count my husband as an ass. I see I should have.

I thought a 100 chickens was a lot. Now I don't feel bad anymore that I'm hogging all the chickens.
is it my imagination OR does that judge look like Ruth Gader Ginsberg ??
Oldhen, he sells the eggs but he also donates the smaller ones to a battered womans shelter. I think thats what made me love him. That and the fudge he sends me . hahahaa

sold 10 boxes today. and rented 3 rooms and then laundry rental for 3 bucks as well.
NOT with Lena she thinks she 'needs" to try and drink it in mid-air. And now she has both Lu and Beth attempting it as well.
My mom used to say, their dogs, you cant make anything else out of them. Of course she would say the same thing about men. hahaa
hahaa I used to have around 130 at one time.
I thought I was odd. I'm always reading about people's 5 chickens, or anything lower than 20. You can't really enjoy any critters until you get at least a passel of them in my opinion. The more the merrier. :). Well except for geese. 3 is enough for me. They are obnoxious.

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