Help! Egg bound quail?


In the Brooder
Dec 15, 2015
Central PA
Hoping someone can help. I have a tuxedo quail who's been "puffed out" for two days... like she is cold. None of the other 34 quail are doing the same thing. She's also lathargic and not eating. Any suggestions?

They are in a 10 by 8 pen and "free range" on the floor on straw.
Start by catching her and feeling the area below her vent - you should be able to feel the egg if it's there. If you find there's an egg, the usual advice on here - I have no experience with egg bound quail myself - is to hold the lower part of the bird in shallow, warm-ish (I don't remember the exact description of the temp, but at least not so warm it's uncomfortable) water for.. How long was it? 15 minutes, I think. And afterwards, I think the recommendation was placing the bird in a dark box and leave it alone for an hour or so, see if it passes the egg. But you can find much more info on that - and on what to do if the egg doesn't come out - by searching this forum - start by finding out whether there is an egg or not.
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Thanks so much! I really appreciate it. Wasn't sure if the process was the same for quail as it is for chickens.
Thanks! Never heard of the oil dribbled down the throat part. Do you think that means like olive oil? Would you lube the vent by rubbing olive oil around it as well... after the soak?
Oh yes, don't feed the quail with an oil or a lubricant, use it at the intended place in the rear.
Well I soaked her in warm water, then let her dry out in a warm dark room in the house.. waited until the next day when it warmed up and took her back to the pen. She didn't lay an egg while I had her isolated and still seems puffy to me but I did see her drinking yesterday.

I didn't feel an egg.. I guess I'll just keep monitoring her. Not sure what else to do. :-(

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