Cats and chickens


Feb 9, 2017
Brinson Georgia
I have cats at home and have found a good use for a few of the tidy cat litter buckets. Being semi square and a hinged lid they make great brood boxe. Easy to clean out and stack for multiple brood boxes
Thanks after I built my hen house I had issues with the nest box getting wet. I removed the box and in trying to figure out what i could do I was sitting on one of the cat litter buckets i.e. Great for garden work and building seat with a compartment. I looked and thought it would make a complete nest box easy to clean and with a semi waterproof door to extract the eggs not having to go inside so I placed a board to support the bottom and mounted plywood to go into the slots on the bucket securing them down cutting an opening for the chickens on the bottom. This way it's convienant for both me and the chickens cleaning is a breeze and the least amount of moisture in the box insuring the hens sitting have privacy actually works out I have now 8 on my coop 2 high and 4 abreast
Great idea!
So glad you joined us!

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