Any preferences on hatcheries?


Mar 15, 2017
I'm in the process of setting up my new home for some cute little babies! I'm torn between a few hatcheries. I live about an hour northwest of Houston. I've been looking a numerous hatcheries and saw that Ideal Poultry is in Texas. I'll be ordering in the next day (About 5-10 Buff Orpingtons) or so and hoping for a ship date at the beginning of next month. Fingers crossed! :) The weather is about 75-80 degrees here. I'm just really looking to minimize the stress of shipping for the little ladies. Any other hatcheries I should try, or should I give Ideal a chance since the shipping is so close?

Thanks so much for your help! I appreciate it a ton! I just want to make sure I have healthy babies so I can enjoy them for years to come!
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