Ways to shutup a noisy hen?


May 20, 2015
Is there a way to stop a hen from crabing all of the time besides culling? I have one that is constantly squawking. It drives me crazy.

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Some chickens are just more vocal than others. If it bothers you that much, you might do yourself and the hen a favor by finding her a new home where she can squawk to her heart's content.
Have you tryed covering the coop if its small with a blanket maybe she is trying to tell you some thing is wrong? Sorry i can't help more all i can say is it works on my quail and parrots:/

She free ranges all day, so not in a coop. The problem is that she does it while congregating with the others under my front porch (which I have no problem with) and I have to listen to that for unending periods.
Some chickens are just more vocal than others. If it bothers you that much, you might do yourself and the hen a favor by finding her a new home where she can squawk to her heart's content.

If it keeps up that's what I'll have to do. She seriously impacts my enjoyment of this place in a bad way. I didn't get chickens to be miserable.
Have you thought of blocking off the area under your porch?

I have and maybe I will someday, but they love to free range in the front yard and she does it there too with the same effect on me. As long as they're quiet I don't care if they hang out under the porch. It's a safe place close to where they free range and it gives them shelter when it rains.

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