Disapointing egg size (jersey Giants)

Which is why I want to get rid of mine but it seems you can't give them away. They eat like horses, too.

Is it uncommon for JG not to lay eggs? Are there other breeds of chickens that are known to do this?


Well....my husband and I are new to this, so we ordered a total of 25 pullets. 15 Jersey Giants, 5 Barred Plymouth Rocks and 5 Black Sex Links. The original order for the JG's were supposed to be white ones, but we ended up with the black as the hatchery didn't have the white. Wish we had found this site before ordering the JG's as since it will take so long for them to produce and from the looks of it, not very much or very big eggs, not sure what to do with them. We wanted egg layers, not meat chickens as I have NO intention of killing and dressing chickens. Our JG's seem to be bullies with the other chickens, although all of them are only about 8-9 weeks old. Out of the 25 ordered, we had 4 to die with in a week of getting them and believe it or not, had one get out of the coop and ran away while still only about 3-4 weeks old, so we're down to 20. She literally flew the coop...lol If I can sell or get rid of some of the JG's, I'll be replacing them with the Rocks and Sex links as both those breeds seem to be very friendly and adventurous, especially the Rocks.

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