Is it true you can sex a duck by the tail feather curl?


10 Years
Jun 29, 2009
We have four ducks, three different breeds, and all of them developed a curl on the top of their tails within the same week, shortly after we read in Storey's that they were male if they had this curl. Is this true?
Yes, the drakes get the curl to the tail feather. Sounds like you need to get some girls
Yes, the 'drake curl' is one of the fastest and easiest ways to tell you have a drake/male. Sorry, but you have all drakes. I think your best bet now is to either stick with all males, or to purchase enough females to go around.

How old were yours when they developed the curl? I have a batch of 6 week old Campbells and I have been watching for the curl, but haven't seen it yet on any of them, so I am curious when it should be appearing.
Oops! Someone goofed. Thanks. I guess I have a little time before I know.
I have a khaki campbell hen, she has laid and set on eggs, and just within the last few week she has grown a curl on her tail!! So i dont know what to tell you other than give it a little more time..
Hens often develop a tail curl when they get a few years old, anything to confuse we humans...

Chickens can get a virus that makes a hen grow a testicle, I have a hen with spurs who tries to crow after she lays an egg. Can ducks get the same virus?

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