The Price of Gas where You Live


12 Years
Oct 11, 2007
Gervais OR
So how much are you all paying per gallon these days? Here in my neck of the woods in Oregon a gallon runs about $3.11 for regular, some stations a little more some a little bit less.

I hope this thread isn't a repeat. I was just curious what the prices are around the country or anywhere in the world really.
it had gotten below three for a good while but now is back up over. from about three ten to three twenty depending. i filled up my car today and it was fifty two dollars. eek. i have really good gas mileage, thirty plus, but still. just going to and from work is twelve dollars not including the work itself.
My last tank was 50 something and I think per gallon was 3.39 middle grade. . I have to check my book for sure. I have a whole excel sheet with prices, fill up, mileage, odometer, oil changes, maintenance, light bulb change etc... *hugs gas guzzling car*
I was griping when ours hit 3.05. But I guess We are still cheaper than most.
It fell today to 2.78. Looks like Christmas came early
What ticks me off is how it flucuates without much reason.
Ours may go up or down 10 or even 20 cents over night.
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Some times I wonder why people will drive the extra 3 miles to get gas 10 cents cheaper... when it saves them all of a dollar or dollar 50, which is negated by the fact of operating the car for those three miles cost more in the long run.

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