Need your prayers....** UPDATE**


12 Years
Nov 20, 2007
Glendale, AZ
My DH's 75 yr old grandmother had a heart attack over the weekend and they did surgery this morning she went under at 11:30 and was finally done around 4:30. She has 8 blockages in her arteries she is also a diabetic, they did a quadtruple bypass and said she had some arteries that are very dieased from the diabetes and they will have to go in at a later time and fix those when we last talked to anyone she was still not awake yet but resting - Dr's did say her heart looks strong but because of her age and the fact she is diabetic the healing will be real slow.
I have seen the kind of prayers you all send out for a sick chicken and have seen the positive energy help out both bird and owner, so when everyone says thier bedtime prayers tonight please add a little something for my DH Jeff who is unable to be by his grandmas side she is in GA and we are in NM also please say a little something for grandma Boyd and hope she gets to feeling better soon.

Thank you all

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Julie, I do believe in the power of prayer and I know that God will answer them, and as I am typing this I am sending out a prayer for DH grandmother.
Julie, I do believe in the power of prayer and I know that God will answer them, and as I am typing this I am sending out a prayer for DH grandmother and your DH.
My grandfather had 5 bypasses done at 75. He is also a diabetic. He is 94 now and doing better than when he was 65. Thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.
My prayers and thoughts will be with both of your today, I'm almost 71 and have had 3 heart surgeries, so i know just what your feeling, I definately believe in prayer, i feel that is why i am still here so as I type I will be praying for both you and your DH as I know your hurting to

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