Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I know, me either. The French White aren’t bad though, so I can look at Aretha.
Speaking of broody... Would you suggest non-broody breeds for a newbie? Or, is it just something you learn to deal with...? :)
My English Orpingtons and Foley (fancy chicken breeder) Silver Laced Wyandotte go seriously broody. But my Austrolorp, the sex linked blue layers and Welsummer and Legbars I got from Dennis did not go broody. My feedstore chicks never went broody either---barred rock, Buff Orpington and "Rhode Island Red"---(Rosy is probably a production Red, not a true Rhodie.) If you don't want fancy chickens there chickies out there that have been bred for maximum production of eggs--not broodiness.
Hubby does not like their faces.
well just don't tell them that:hit...hahha.kidding
They aren't my favorite either:hmm
Aww but muscovy are awesome! Love my Ebony :)

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she looks good with her clothes on:D

If the dogs get them, it saves you the trouble.
me & the dogs would be in trouble then:lol:, Feathers & fun all over the place:p
I know, me either. The French White aren’t bad though, so I can look at Aretha.
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they aren't "bad" looking..don't ave that bright red face, it does kinda look scary to be honest, like something bad, not all look that way, but some I've seen are :eek:
Speaking of broody... Would you suggest non-broody breeds for a newbie? Or, is it just something you learn to deal with...? :)
My English Orpingtons and Foley (fancy chicken breeder) Silver Laced Wyandotte go seriously broody. But my Austrolorp, the sex linked blue layers and Welsummer and Legbars I got from Dennis did not go broody. My feedstore chicks never went broody either---barred rock, Buff Orpington and "Rhode Island Red"---(Rosy is probably a production Red, not a true Rhodie.) If you don't want fancy chickens there chickies out there that have been bred for maximum production of eggs--not broodiness.

You know, the barred rocks we got from the store have never even suggested interest in going broody or even the project-marans I had gotten from Chad what seems like a longgg time ago.
I wish I had more of chickadees...oh well. But yeah, what was I getting at...oh crap:idunno...............okay, the wyandottes I got from a "fancy breeder"..hahaha, @PeakyBeaky , have been dutifully heritage bred.(SOP) Everything you could want from a wyandotte. Broodiness & all!;)
Totally agree with you, it does seem in my short time with birds there is something to this theory. Store bought, maybe not as broody as "fancy breeder", but then that doesn't explain Dennis birds?? maybe their special crossed breeding?? Okay, i'm done:oops:..
The chicks have been out since yesterday morning. No problem... yet. I don’t think there will be one.
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I just lost a quail pullet. It’s a shame, but probably just par for the course for these jumping beans.
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I know nature does what it will, but still sad. Sorry for your loss. Gosh that is sad to see.
Can't help but think every time I see something gone, even if it is along the road..such a waste. Who knows what it had yet to offer.

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