Bean Sprouts

do you just buy regular beans,etc out of the bin for sprouting? i have always been going to do this for years for myself but never have.
I finally got a professional answer if you are interested:
A seller of beans and seeds for people and pets, including Chickens told me: That they did not believe their were any seeds or beans that are poisonous for our birds.

So everyone go ahead an sprout anything and everything to get more nutrition into our friends.

Thanks for your coments.
Does anyone know if feeding your young chicks herbs can be a problem? I gave mine fresh parsley they acted like it was the best treat in the world. Just wondering if chickens will regulate themselves as far as how much of something is much. The chicks are a few weeks old I think.
I sprout for us, our parrot and our chickens. My understanding with parrots and sprouts, is that legumes/beans need to be fully sprouted for them. For other seeds, you can feed them when just the root tip is showing, as well as fully sprouting them. Overnight sprouting is popular with parrot owners, to prevent any possible mold problems.

If you don't fully sprout legumes/beans, then you should cook them, before feeding them.

This last week, I have been sprouting alfalfa and wheat.
What is fully sprouted then woodlandwoman? How long should the root and stem be?
I am not WW, but fully sprouted means like the mung sprouts that you can find in stores. two inches with fully open first leaves. and that is because bean toxins dissipate more slowly that toxins of other seeds.
I cook adzuki which have been sprouted for 4 days, they just have a tail as long as the seed. But rye, it gets to that point in less than 3 days, and I eat them raw.
I have read that all beans have a toxin called phytohaemagglutinin which is said to be fatal to chickens and should be soaked and cooked for at least 15 minutes.

I have just finished sprouting a lot of veggie seeds and mung and adzuki beans for my hens and just remembered that beans are a no-no. Don't want to waste them, but if cooking will deactivate the beans that would be great.

How long do you cook yours?

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