Chicken with white earlobes? HELP! PICS!


CA Royal Blues
13 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Oakland, CA
I recently acquired 2 Red Star hens. They've been in a quarantine coop and run for a little over a month now. Both birds seem to have improved leaps and bounds health-wise since I took them in but there's something about one that's got me a little worried.

As far as I know brown egg laying chickens are suppose to have red ear lobes, right? There are rare exceptions but we're talking about Red Stars, not exactly rare. Both birds lay a brown egg daily, one has typical red ear lobes, the other though has white. Now it's not the entire lobe either, it's more like a layer of white that is just covering the lobe almost completely. Also, the same bird seems to be showing signs of what I can only describe as "pastey butt". I've only encountered that with chicks, so I'm assuming it is a problem.

Anybody have any advice as to what is wrong with this hen? I was hoping to begin integrating them into my laying flock soon but not if I can get this figured out. These birds came to me as "house chickens", they'd lived inside an apartment for over a year.

Here's some pictures of the bird in question,

This is her when she first came to live with us, her comb is now pink.


this is how she looks today,


and here's a photo of her bum, sorry about the poor quality, she wouldn't hold still.
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By the size and shape of her comb, she looks more like a leghorn cross than a redstar. If that is the case, her lobes might be white. I don't think there is anything wrong with her other than a dirty butt.
Earlobes look normal to me. My easter egger has white earlobes and lays green eggs. I have multiple chickens that have earlobes just like that, its normal.

I wouldn't integrate the chicken until her butt cleans up, she may have diarrhea.
Do you have any experience with fungal infections in chickens, or how to treat them?

As far as diharrea goes, I'll clip the feathers tonight when I get home while she's sleeping to minimize stress. Does anybody know of anything that will clear up the diharrea?

Any other thoughts?
I agree with lemurchaser, I think the earlobes look fine and it is probally mixed with leghorn. My Spitzhaubens have those blue earlobes I think they are cool looking.
I also am guessing it is not a 100% red star and that it is crossed with something else. I wouldn't rush to treat a fungal infection. Other than color, do the ears look any different than any other chickens? It doesn't look like it to me. If not, I wouldn't worry about it and enjoy your fresh brown eggs.


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