I think my flock has Mareks

I'm going to clean out the coop today, I'll add two or three more vents. I think I have the condensation/moisture issue figured out. The walls are becoming damp in the corners due to the snow fall/melt, more snow cycle and the condensation from the chickens is freezing instead of evaporating. so then once a week when it goes above zero it melts and soaks the coop.

I'm not sure how i'm going to problem solve this for next winter, but in the mean time i'd like to just make it to next year.

I'm going to get in contact with the breeder and get the vaccine info and then post for Peter brown at the link above and see what he has to say.
as for the droppings board, I installed a droppings pit last weekend and I thought it made a difference right away, but it may have been the super sub zero weather
Mareks almost always starts on the left side. First the left leg then the left wing. There is no pain involved and they will often just stick the left leg staight out and prefer to just list to the left or lay on their left side. If the bird can be isolated with food and water, they may live (mine did). They usaually eat well and seem in good spirits, until the paralysis gets into the neck. At that point they can't eat or drink. 90% of birds with Mareks die. However, if you isolate them and put the food and water right in front of them, their odds are greatly improved. Survivors will still lay eggs, but the fertility and quantity may be less.

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