Hatchery in Indiana?

....that would depend on what breeds you are looking for....there are plenty of private breeders of most breeds and varieties of birds...As far as commercial hatcheries? There used to be 1 in Remmington, IN. (Fairview ?) but it was shut down several years ago due to money issues...others? No Idea
thanks relics. Would love to support the private, small breeders if possible. Have looked for the large hatchery's via google (topeka today-lol), thought I'd see if anyone here knew of or were breeders we might be able to chat with.
Little Ameraucana Mom - we'd love to have some Ameraucana's - have heard they are friendly, calm and gentle. Would love to chat more - have my first 6 pullets at 3 days old right now and would like to add perhaps 6 more to complete my flock. PM me when you get a moment and I'll give you a call.
Are you in Linden, IN? I pass through there everyday! We have a farm east of Romney. I have Columbian Wyandottes and White Muscovys. Also starting with BEI ducks.

Would love to visit with you.

Your dogs are beautiful.

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