does anyone know what is legal and humane to do with raccoons in FL?


9 Years
Apr 14, 2010
DeLand, FL
Does anyone know what I am able to do with raccoons that are trapped at my house? We do live in a neighborhood... I would not be against killing them, but obviously can't shoot them in my neighborhood, and nothing else seems humane. I am not sure if you can legally transport them... does anyone know? Guess I will have to try to contact someone in law enforcement?
I shoot rabbits with pellet guns. I know a coon is bigger, but a well placed shot will kill them.

If you have trapped it, can you take it out to a place where it is safe/legal to shoot it? Feed the gators?
I'd take it to the nearest woods and shoot it. That or get in contact with animal control and ask them. Some people claim drowning isn't cruel as the animal is more scared about being in the cage than the water - but we'll never know for sure on this one. All we have to go on is how humans feel and its not a good feeling to us.
DO NOT TRANSPORT & RELEASE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's so very illegal that if caught you'll be strapped to the nose cone of the Discovery space shuttle & launched into space. Well, maybe not that severe of a punishment, but maybe it should be.

Relocating raccoons is not good for the trapped animal or the animal populations in its new location. Diseases & discord is easily spread this way.

Start by calling your local animal control department or your county extension office. You can also read on this forum what other folks do with their raccoons, instead of releasing them.
It is illegal to relocate in FL, you can check the Freshwater fish and game commission's website, i did. Dont get caught with it in the back of your car please. Trapping for coons in FL requires a license but if you are trapping for oppossum, which is legal, and you happen to catch a raccoon, you may either release it back onto YOUR property or humanely kill it. That's what I read from their website anyways. If you are in residential, shoot it with a .22 cb and nobody will hear you. That's my advice
Just SHOOT IT! There's so dadgum many of them around here the roads are like the "coon killing fields" People used to eat them (WHY??) and the population had some control. Now very few people hunt/eat them. Believe me, no one will miss a couple hundred.
If you call animal control, they will deal with it. However, they may take 3 or 4 days to come out...

I have also heard that it is illegal to transport in FL. I would say to shoot it, but that's your call.
I have been electrucuted 3 times I have almost drowned twice, (once in the ocean once in a pool )I have been nearly aphxyated once the last 2 did not hurt in any way the electricution is quite painful for a number of days. drowning a coon is quick and safer to the human then a lot of other options depending on where I am when I am dispatching a coon I shoot drown and use a co2 chamber HTH

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