Considering mini dairy goats... Mini-mancha vs. Mini-Nubian?

I know this post is pretty old, but it was the first result when I typed in "Mini Lamancha" in the Google search - so I thought I'd add my two cents!

I've had Nigerians, Mini Lamanchas, AND Mini Nubians - at different times. My Nigerians have always been incredibly docile and only get a little vocal at feeding time. When they're loose in the yard they are friendly but not obnoxiously so.

Now the Mini Manchas and Nubians.. I had never had a full sized Lamancha, but my Mini Lamancha had some incredibly naughty behaviors. I'm talking like taking running leaps at 6' fencing and leaping over the top. She was also quite annoying and constantly underfoot. My Mini Nubian wasn't quite as "crazy", but the two of them together made quite the chorus. They were LOUD. Still... I LOVE the little ears. I have Nigerians at the moment and wouldn't mind adding a Mini Mancha again.
From about 25 yards away at 6:30am our bunch is a very effective alarm clock. There is no ignoring them. You can try, but it's kind of a high pitched, wail. Like ignoring a crying baby. It can be done if you're just desperate for sleep, but it takes work. I've been trying to hold them off till 7am because the whole idea of getting up at 6:30 and stumbling out to the pens before I even get a cup of coffee is just unreasonable.

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