My eggs don't taste like farm fresh eggs

We let ours free range in the afternoon as they don't go far and they eat tons of insects, worms, grass, clover, weeds...even snakes and frogs!!! Their eggs are incredible and right now since it's summer they eat only a small amount of their regular feed+oyster shell that we give them. Another thing they love and that really keeps them active and engaged is that I put straw in their pen. I'll just put half a bale in there and they love to scratch through that and eat any seeds left in it. Then I'll also through out mixed birdseed for them to hunt for under the straw. I think birds need exercise to stay healthy and produce a good egg. Just my opinion but it's working for me. As soon as you are the source of yummy things they will love you just like dogs! Also, lots of table scraps.

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