New Coop! And I made it myself!


10 Years
Apr 8, 2009
Glocester, RI
I just finished the new coop and I'm really proud of how it came out.
I designed and built the entire coop myself (54 year old woman
). My nephew helped me put the sides on the base and my husband helped me put the plywood on the roof and the apron and rocks around the run, but the rest I built myself (including the fencing that makes up the run).
Here's the finished coop and run:

I'm creating a coop page to enter the coop contest and have more pictures there if anyone is interested.
Us 50 something girls are the bomb. I had help with the leveling and the roof, but most all else is my work. Not finished yet (had to take time out to get ready for a family wedding) but can't wait to get back to it.

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