Yellow Chick with 1 black line on head?


9 Years
May 1, 2010
Alvarado, TX
No feathers on legs its yellow all over with one black line down the top of its head. What kind of chick could this be? The black mark is the only mark it has. I have never had buff orpingtons as chicks , but I believe this is from my BO roo and BO hen I collected all the eggs and didn't know whos was whos.

This is so confusing cause I don't own a delaware or anything that looks like one I got the egg to experiment with from eggs my chickens had laid.

I have a BO roo, 2 BO Hens, 1 EE Rumples Hen who only lays blue eggs, 2 BR Pullets, 1 CM Hen all of these are exposed to the BO Roo.
I set 5 eggs on July 20th, this little guy was born Monday at 6 AM the other eggs didn't make it all the way 2 was clear, the others 2 died before hatching.
The egg it hatched from was brown so I can rule out my EE I believe.

Leaving it to only 4 other suspects 2 BO and 2 BR pullets.

Oh and PS...the egg color was to light of a brown to come from my Maran she lays really dark eggs compared to the BO
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I got the roo from a friend on here. And I got 1 BO hen from another friend on here and the other BO from a friend on another forum.

This is the father


The chicks in there with her are not laid from my flock the eggs they came from friend to put under my broody.
The 2 there that are light in color are my 2 new brahma babies with feathered legs , they also have greyish color down their backs and wing tips had black coloring.

The chick in the original post is from my flock and does not have feathered legs. This new chick has no other coloring other than on its head, its wings and back are all yellow
legs are skin color with no marks on them at all.
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Then if the father is BO the mother would be BO. Crossing the BO roo to BR hen should give you black sex link chicks. (That is coming from the research I have done for myself. )
Then if the father is BO the mother would be BO. Crossing the BO roo to BR hen should give you black sex link chicks. (That is coming from the research I have done for myself. )

Ok trying to understand you, when crossing him with the BR gives me black sex links, what would this look like from my understanding if it was males = black coloring...but what color would the female chicks be? I was talking with a friend about this she thought it would give me light color females. So is it possible this black line is a female if it is a cross with the BR?

I am not exactly sure what to look for.

Thanks for bring this up.
Black sex links---males should be black with a white or yellow dot on top of it's head
---females should be black with solid black on top of head.

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