Cranberries For Chickens?


Dark Speckled Egg Lover
9 Years
Mar 9, 2010
Just wondering if there would be any benefit to feeding fresh cranberries to the chickens. Our local grocery store is having a great sale on them. If it's OK to feed it should the cranberies be cooked, chopped, or just dump out of the bag into a bowl? I bought two bags and am not sure what to do with them LOL - but at $1.00 a bag I had to buy it! Ok to feed it to them?

Also, what other veggies carried at the grocery store would benefit them? I can get a really great price on the last day veggies are on sale, I don't buy much because it' only good (human edible) for a day or two at most. Garlic? Kale? Spinich? Endive?

It's very cold and windy here, wind chill below zero. They refuse to leave the coop becaue there is snow on the ground. I worry about them getting enough protein and fat to keep warm and healthy. I do use Braggs ACV in their water daily. Can I fry up some cheap hamburg for them?

I thank you for any suggestions, and my Girl's are anxiously awaiting answers LOL!!!
Forgot to ask above - is suet, the chunks you can buy at the butcher - is that ok to give to chickens, in small amounts? Or how about those wild bird seed & suet cakes?

Thank you!!
I know mine like the cranraisens as a treat. They gobble them up as fast as they gobble up crickets.
Not sure on your suet question.
Thanks for responding!

Do you chop or heat up the cranberries or just give them raw & whole?

Mine also love bananas! They got chopped up bananas and seedless grapes this morning in their warm oatmean. It's just so fun to feed them! Yesterday there was half a porkchop left and they went CrAzY over it! I like not throwing food away but have to be careful, they're so fun to feed and appreciate every treat it's easy to get carried away wiht treats LOL
i chop the cranberries up. And yes, be weary of how often you give them treats...although fun, mine (raised and spoiled as pets) now expect food from anyone who comes in and out of the yard as a rite of passage
I made frozen feed blocks for them this fall and they are loving it. Crabapples from jelly, some grapes, blueberries and cranberries, boss oatmeal and stale cereal. Used suet and egg to bind and froze about 8 bread pan blocks. I can then slice the blocks or give whole. Today was farm market day and they got their fav treat collard greens! They are running around in a blizzard like maniacs ripping the stuff apart.
I've given my chickens cranberries, they really love them. Not as much as they love grapes though
Tomatoes and watermelon is there favorite

I also feed mine wild bird suet occasionally...just to give them energy in the below zero temps. I've never had a problem with predators coming after the suet, could be because I lock them up most of the time during the winter and nothing can get to it.

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