Freedom Rangers are Hybrids?


11 Years
Mar 7, 2008
I've heard a lot of great things about Freedom Rangers - especially the ability to keep them as a self-sustaining flock of meat birds, unlike Cornish Rocks. Then I came across this article:

Are Freedom Rangers too good to be true? Are they actually hybrids?

And, for that matter, does that mean Freedom Rangers could be crossed with Cornish Rock to produce another burst of hybrid vigor? Or crossed with another fast growing and/or meaty breed for that F1 vigor?
Has anyone on here bred from their Freedom Ranger flock? If so, what can you tell us what generation #2 is like? I would love to get some FR this Summer to see them in action (and maybe experiment with breeding them with some of my other birds, like my Dark Cornish).

As long as its a healthy, active meaty bird that can free range I'm not too picky about bloodlines.

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